Market Forces identifies four known fossil free funds here

Committed fossil fuel free funds are available AND rolling over your super is quite  easy! – contact the fund you wish to go to – and they will do most of the work. Its “climate action without getting out of your pyjamas”!!

We are demanding Hesta, and other funds, go fossil free or we will roll over together and publicly to one of these committed fossil fuel free funds such as Australian Ethical or Future Super.

We are giving Hesta (or your fund)  time to consider our demands while we build the pressure by recruiting more Hesta members in the community sector as well as supporters in other sectors and funds.  There is no doubt that this is the type of action funds will not like – a public and collective rollover/boycott exposing the greenwashing of their fossil fuel investments – so please be assured that this is not only an ethical but an important climate action.

While this campaign began amongst community sector workers who are often members of Hesta, we have opened the campaign to members of all funds who wish to join.


Note 1. Demand no. 2 asks for divestment this year from “pureplay Fossil fuel cos”. This means cos like Woodside and Santos who purely engage in fossil fuel mining and use and have no chance of aligning with what  climate science requires – see the Market Forces Report Out of Line, Out of Time

 Note 2. Demand No. 2 relates to the current Fed gov’t intention to expand gas as a way of recovering from COVID 19. This is merely a ploy to appeal to the powerful fossil fuel lobby that does not wish to give up its business model. Gas was more legitimately a transition fuel over a decade ago, but given Federal, (& other gov’ts), inaction on climate over the last decade and the available alternatives, there is no excuse for expanding fossil fuel use now. (And this notion was recently reinforced by the International Energy Agency).

Note 3. There are many resources out there to compare super fund performance for those interested or to get financial advice on super;


For any fund members who want to go a step further and seek personal financial advice, they might also wish to check out the Ethical Advisor’s Co-op, which can help put them in touch with someone in their area that can provide financial advice on ethical financial products.

 [Action cheat sheet; Sign up using our home page button to keep in touch with upcoming actions; view letter to your fund; decide if you are prepared to roll over; send the letter and cc or inform us at]

Disclaimer; this info is for social justice and environmental purposes and does not constitute financial advice.  There are currently no trade union backed industry funds that are committed fossil fuel free. It is up to you to seek independent financial advice regarding your super.